CALL US: (217) 223-8200
* Ministry Opportunities: You can make a difference in a young man or woman’s life. We have ministry tasks for many different people with many different talents. If you have an interest in volunteering, please call us to discuss how you may serve here.
- Volunteer Client Advocate– Meet one-on-one with young women who may be experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, administer pregnancy tests and provide accurate information related to the outcome of that test.
- Life Enrichment Program Instructors – Teach group classes offered to our clients. Classes are generally one to four weekly sessions, usually offered in the evening. Call for more details.
- Prayer Team – Requests to cover clients’ specific needs in prayer are e-mailed weekly.
- Office Support – Project and clerical support.
- Church / Community Liaison – Represent Care Net at your church – periodically set up information booths, promote Care Net events, and to be generally knowledgeable about the ministry.
- Monthly Donors – Include Care Net in your monthly budget to cover operating costs.
- Financial Underwriter – Provide finances to offset the up-front costs related to hosting a fundraising event so that all funds raised at those events goes directly to the ministry. This is also an opportunity to advertise your business.
- Event Planning – Work alongside staff and other volunteers to coordinate Care Net events, such as the Celebrate Life Banquet, Crab Fest, Baby Bottle Blitz and the Walk for Life.
- Donation Management – Sort and process the many donations of baby clothing, diapers, and other baby items received for distribution through the pregnancy center.
- Office Cleaning & Maintenance – Care Net does not contract for any professional cleaning services. All cleaning is done by the staff and volunteers and this would be a great opportunity for an on-going family service project.
Upcoming Training Dates
** Care Net requires 20 hours of training. To be eligible to volunteer, you must attend all sessions for both weeks, or make arrangements for individual training. **
Cost of training is $20 for materials (scholarships are available)
If interested, fill out the form at the bottom of this page.
Please use this form to contact us to learn more or to meet our current needs.