If this is a question you’re asking, here are a few things to think about.

Abstinence is the ONLY 100% way to prevent pregnancy. And considering that 1 out of every 10 teenage girls becomes pregnant each year could definitely add a plus for it. Pregnancy cannot be ignored and whatever is done about it will have a permanent effect on the mother’s life. The woman is usually left with the consequences and responsibilities. Think about your goals, plans, and dreams. How would caring for a child for the next 18 years fit into those plans?

Abstinence also prevents sexually transmitted diseases. In America today, 1 out of every 5 people are infected with a viral STD.

There are other issues that abstinence prevents besides the physical ones. Premarital sex provides NO ASSURANCE of security, love, or commitment from the other person. Many times it might be the three of these that teenagers are looking for. A secure marriage will provide the three of these. It will also assure you that this is the right person for more than just one night. Premarital sex can also bring future guilt and regret. Think about how hard it would be to tell your husband or wife that you had not saved your virginity until marriage when they had.

Abstinence is not saying to give up sex forever, but to wait until marriage. Think about how much more enjoyable things are when you wait for them. You might think that you are O.K. if you are not having sexual intercourse. Remember that STDs do not only transfer through sexual intercourse.


  1. Stage One-Exploring Similarities. In this initial stage of the relationship, the man and woman focus upon their similarities and generally do not see imperfections in each other or potential areas of incompatibility.
  2. Stage Two-Exploring Differences. In this stage, differences in interests, perceptions, and goals may arise. Also, it is a time when weaknesses in the other person become apparent. If positive steps are not taken to address and negotiate these issues, there is a good chance that the relationship will not advance to the next stage.
  3. Stage Three-Dealing with Similarities and Differences. At this stage, the couple must engage in a serious assessment of their relationship to determine whether it should lead to marriage. A solid foundation for marriage requires that difficult issues be resolved before the marriage, not afterwards.
  4. Stage Four-Life-long Commitment. Marriage requires a lifelong commitment. Without a high degree of commitment, the relationship cannot last.